Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ehi, fai quel che vuoi, ma io sono ancora a Roma.

Hey, do whatever you want, but I'm still Rome.
Valentinos, Guccis, Armanis, Rubbens, Tennyson, Stendhal, Balzac, Liszt, Wagner, Thackery, Byron, Keats. I'm in a city where so many greats have lived and worked. Rome is a brilliant city full of delightful history. I've been through the Piazza del Popolo, the Piazza Borghese, and one of my favorite places, Tiber. The Piazza del Popolo was carved in honor of Queen Christina of Sweden, and right next door is a beautiful church, like there are many in Rome, with beautiful paintings. The Piazza Borghese is a gorgeous building that has kept many famous tenants, including Napoleon's scandalous sister, Pauline. And finally, Tiber. Tiber is a wonderful, swampy island. Although I have only been here for two days, I can tell that I'm going to very much love this ancient, yet beautiful city of Rome.

Piazza del Popolo:

Piazza Borghese:


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